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Advance Your Cancer Research

With innovative, high-quality reagents and assays for pre-clinical tumor analysis

Cell Culture / Cell Based Assays

Reliably grow, maintain, and process cells with our comprehensive selection of high-quality, affordable products for every step of your workflow, including cell culture, cell separation, cell analysis, cell banking, and contamination management.

Serum Culture Media & Supplements Animal-Free Supplements Cell Analysis Attachment Factors Detachment Factors Cell Isolation Contamination Management

Bead Beating

Sample Preparation with FastPrep®

Obtain all genetic and proteomic information from your samples with MP Biomedicals' high-throughput FastPrep instruments, lysing matrices, and extraction kits. Our bead beating system and kits are ideal for rapidly and reproducibly homogenizing cells and tissue to purify DNA, RNA, or proteins for downstream genomic and protein analysis.

Homogenize Lyse  Extract 

Gene Expression Analysis

MP Biomedicals is an established manufacturer of kits and reagents for gene expression analysis, including DNA polymerases for various PCR applications. Our PCR master mixes and enzymes cover requirements for general PCR, hot start, high fidelity, high sensitivity, multiplex, and real-time PCR.

Cloning & Transformation PCR & QPCR Blotting & Hybridization Western BlottingElectrophoresis Precast Gels

Gene Expression Analysis with PCR

Immunology for Cancer Research

Our Proteomic products for cancer research cover a range of signaling pathways that contribute to cancer progression, including apoptosis, autophagy, WNT-β-catenin, PI3K-Akt, Notch, mTOR, MAPK, Hippo, Jak-STAT, and TGF-β. Use these products to investigate the complex interactions and molecular pathways involved in cancer development, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the disease and the development of more effective cancer therapies.

Primary Antibodies Secondary Antibodies Immunodiagnostic Assays Proteomic Specialty Reagents